The smartest way to connect with next-gen talent
Connect with students and young professionals on Europe’s leading learning platform and achieve your employer branding, product placement and recruiting goals.

See why the world’s leading companies trust StudySmarter.
Experience the Smarter Solution.
Next-gen recruiting, employer branding, and product placement. There are four key elements that make up a successful StudySmarter campaign.
Reach: Connect with over 21 million students and graduates around the globe
Relevance: Create your customised target audience with advanced filtering options
Engagement: Integrate your brand into the learning process for best-in-class performance
Education: Create a win-win by working with us and enabling free access to digital education
Let’s Talk Numbers!
Reach the largest, most talented and active student community in Europe.
0 m+
Active students and alumni
0 min
Average session duration
0 %
Female learners
0 %
STEM learners
0 %
of universities & schools covered
0 %
Average CTR on brand placements
Our audience:
Secondary school students
University Students
Best-in-class targeting and positioning
Position your brand directly in the learning process of millions of students
On StudySmarter, we seamlessly integrate your brand into your target audience’s learning process. Whether in between flashcards, notes, lecture slides or as a learning success screen – we make sure to connect your brand only with relevant learners.

StudySmarter communicates your brand and messaging to the relevant target audience
Everyone learns on StudySmarter, no matter which demographic, study field, university or school. We are the go-to learning platform for every student. StudySmarter communicates your brands to the relevant target audience.

All-in-one brand communication
Leading companies trust StudySmarter to bring their recruiting success to new heights.
Imagine the large application volumes of famous job boards, just with the quality of active sourcing. Recruiting with StudySmarter comes with a holistic end-to-end approach. Identify your target audience, create touch-points with exciting communication materials, and position your open opportunities in the learning process or on our StudySmarter Jobboard.

Learn how Accenture works with StudySmarter to optimise its next-gen recruiting process.
View Case StudyWe are building sustainable employer brands – smarter than ever before.
We want to redefine employer branding. For us, this means maximising the touch-points with your target audience in the most value-adding way. Stop hoping your dream candidates find you and engage with you. Instead, add value to the learning process and be identified as a brand that truly is relevant and exciting.

Learn how VW works with StudySmarter to build an ever-lasting employer brand among STEM students.
View Case StudyWe don’t do advertising. We make learners engage with your product.
Leading companies such as Amazon, Adobe or Canva already communicate their products to relevant learners via StudySmarter. Why? It’s quite simple really. They see better results and performance metrics in product advertising campaigns compared to traditional media such as Paid Social or Paid Search.

Learn how Canva works with StudySmarter to build an ever-lasting employer brand among STEM students.
View Case StudyFree access to digital education powered by you.
- Connecting amazing talent with leading companies
- Providing valuable career opportunities tailored to your learning
- Communicating brands that actually have an impact