Download our free guide: Employer brand: How to attract and retain tomorrow’s talent

What’s inside this free guide?
Our ebook helps marketing and HR departments to transform their companies into the employer of choice among the new generations that are entering the labour market, by:
- Explaining the common tools that create an authentic and attractive employer brand
- Helping to set up a sustainable employer branding cycle
- Providing you with tips on how to reach the best talent for your needs

about this guide
Why did StudySmarter create this guide?
We want to support companies that face the following challenges:
- Struggle to get applications from young talents and want to make their company more attractive to their target group
- Have a low retention rate in young hires and wish to improve it
- Know about the importance of a strong employer brand and want to continuously work on it with an easy-to-implement employer branding cycle
- Look for a trustworthy partner for their employer branding with experience

For whom is this calendar?
- Pre-graduate recruiters
- Hiring managers
- Talent Acquisition Managers
- Marketing Managers

We provide more than just free content
StudySmarter is the largest learning platform in Europe that helps school pupils, high school students, university graduates and early career talent not only to achieve their studying goals but also to connect with companies recruiting young audiences.