Download: Graduate and undergraduate recruitment calendar 2023-2024 for the United Kingdom

What’s inside this free guide?
- Tools to help you efficiently plan your yearly young talent recruitment, with an extensive overview that includes the most important dates of the academic year
- A calendar so you know when your target group is open for job opportunities the minute they graduate
- All dates that promote your offer at the right time, including an overview of orientation periods in the 2023-2024 academic year

about this calendar
Why did StudySmarter create this calendar?
We want to support undergraduate recruiters and talent acquisition managers facing the following challenges:
- Costly recruiting campaigns for pre-graduate talent that don’t achieve the results they wish for
- Low engagement rates on pre-graduate recruitment measures
- Looking to improve their pre-graduate recruitment planning

For whom is this calendar?
- Pre-graduate recruiters
- Hiring managers
- Talent Acquisition Managers

We provide more than just free content
StudySmarter is the largest learning platform in Europe that helps school pupils, high school students, university graduates and early career talent not only to achieve their studying goals but also to connect with companies recruiting young audiences.